
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Baha Cat

Dolls and Friends was closing and there was this Pipos Baha Cat on 65% discount, so I got one a bit ahead of the schedule.

I wanted to take pictures of the doll outside and as it is winter now, she needed shoes for that. The doll's feet are fairly small, which limits the types of shoes I can make for her. However, boots with laces are always a safe option, so I started with those.

The picture below shows the inner soles (thick white leather) and the upper parts (brown leather). There are only three pairs of holes for the laces as the eyelets were a bit large.

Parts for Baha Cat's shoes
The next stage was gluing the upper parts in place.
Assembling Baha Cat's shoes
The leather was fairly thick, so I had to glue filler parts on the soles to make sure they would be even after gluing the outer soles in place.
Assembling Baha Cat's shoes
The finished shoes look like this. The picture was cropped from one of the outdoor photos of the doll.
Finished shoes on Baha Cat
This picture shows the outer soles, which are also made of leather.
Finished shoes on Baha Cat
Original Finnish post is here.


  1. Absolutely darling! Those shoes are perfect! You make that doll come alive! I just adore this photo series!

  2. what kind of glue do you use?
    I have not found a suitable glue for leather that doesn't take forever to dry

  3. I use PVA glue and I think that's what you'd say takes forever to dry. However, it doesn't take that long for it to dry enough so you can continue with the next step of the process.

  4. yes tarja that's what I have been using, I finally found some molding compound so I am going to attempt to make a cast of one of my dolly's feet so I can make them some shoes. Thank you so much for your tutorial showing this. You are a fantastic artist and you hard work is much appreciated!
