
Monday, February 24, 2014

Book update

I just want to let you know that I am still writing the book. The current word count is about 12,500 and there are lots of photos already. I have been taking new photos to get better quality than in the ones I have used in the blog, but due to the uniqueness of some photos, I will be using some old ones as well.

The structure of the book is now set and shouldn't change much after this. Chapters 1–4 present some tools and materials, chapters 5–6 are about different casting methods and making foot lasts of your doll's feet, chapters 7–9 introduce different ways of making soles and heels for shoes, and chapters 10–13 describe making uppers for different kinds of shoes.

It is really great that I don't have to worry about the length of the book or the number of photos, because there won't be any printing involved. I'm including a lot of example photos of what can be done with different materials and photos that show a sequence of actions for certain processes.

Finally, here is one of the new photos I have taken. I don't remember, if I have ever shown these before. These shoes are made of copper sheet using super glue and they are among my earliest experiments in making doll shoes (around 1998, I think). The thin copper sheet I used bends really easily, so these are purely decorative and cannot be used on a doll.


  1. I don't remember seeing those shoes but I LOVE them. I love the video tututorial and when I finally get the nerve to make some shoes I'm going to make sure and share the photo with you.

  2. So.. will the book be a pdf download or something? :)

  3. It will be a Kindle book available through Amazon.

  4. What about those who don't use Kindles but would love to purchase your book? I collect books that deal with practically anything that has to do with dolls. I'm old school, I like to turn REAL pages. This book looks REALLY interesting and I think I would love to have a copy.

  5. You don't need a Kindle device, you can download the free Kindle reader for your computer. It's simply a matter of cost. Printing and shipping would make the book expensive and I'd rather keep the price low to make sure people can afford it.

  6. So when do you think you will have it ready?

  7. The original goal was to have the book ready by the end of the year, but it depends on so many things that I can't make any promises.

  8. Mahtavia kenkiä! Odotan mielenkiinnolla kenkäkirjasi käännösstä suomeksi! Tänään vasta löysin taideteoksesi! Minä olen harrastanut vasta vuoden miniatyyrejä. Ostan heti kirjasi, kun saan tietää siitä! Kiitän jo etukäteen!

  9. Suomenkielinen kirja on ollut saatavilla Amazonissa jo jonkin aikaa. Oikealla olevassa sivupalkissa ylhäällä on linkit molempien tekemieni kirjojen molempiin kieliversioihin.
